Glimpses of Me

By mimi128

Calm Waters

Today is all about the calm after the storm.. Calm waters...

Took this shot on our way home from church this morning, within the parking grounds of Lidl at Mexborough.. It did appeal to my troubled stormy apprehension during this time..

I do try to shy away from shouting out my religious beliefs and my faith and all that, but where else is the best place to write what I feel right now but here on blip. So forgive me if it doesn't appeal to you, but I won't apologize about this shout-out..

Heard mass this morning, and it was about the disciples getting scared when, without warning, a storm broke over the lake. They hurried to wake Jesus up, and He said to them:
"Why are you so frightened, you men of little faith?"
And He stood up and rebuked the seas, and all was calm again..

This was how I felt during the past days.. With the CT scan results being a bit unsure, no matter how positive I try to stay, anxiety still creeps in. And then this Gospel, trying to tell me to strengthen my faith, as He will calm my anxiety and help me conquer my fears. This calmed me down a lot, so much so, that it gave me the bravado to ring Weston Park for the official result..

Well, indeed the one on the pelvis increased in size, but only by 1cm, considering that my last treatment was 16th of January, 1cm is not bad. Before my treatment, the C increased quite quickly to 16cm in a span of 6-7months.. So 1cm in 5 months is not bad.. And the rest is good news! No new lesions, the one in the lungs even decreased in size by 2mm, liver is quiet, lymph nodes decreased considerably and back to normal size! So taking everything into consideration, I still feel so blessed that He is anwering my prayers! In His own terms, yes, all I need to do is put my trust in Him.. Miracles do happen..

Hugs and kisses!

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