Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Summer -- Breathe It In

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, the 9th day of summer has been so alive and I'm so excited. I don't want to miss a moment of this wonderful season. I love that day stretches from early morning to late evening, and yes, I am envious of those further north who have light until 10:00 p.m. and after.

This afternoon the sky over our home was filled with white cotton-ball clouds as the afternoon breeze stirred the trees. The temperature never soared to the scorching hot of yesterday, just a lovely summer warm. This was an all around pleasant day . . . a sleeveless shirt, shorts, and flip-flops day. Then evening arrived and the sun made its exit in a glorious burst of color that could not be ignored.

It's been such a fun day. Tristan started swimming lessons this morning . . . something he would not have volunteered for. He doesn't like water at all, but his great-aunt Deidre registered him and volunteered to be the substitute-mommy, since Tristan's mommy doesn't like water either. So Gramma Rosie tagged along to capture the moment and cheer from the sidelines. Meantime Mr. Fun was overseeing the work crew as our pool received its new coat of plaster--woohoo!

Later in the afternoon Mr. Fun & Rosie went lookey lou-ing at the possibilities for built-in barbeques and rock waterfalls so the backyard can be finished soon. It's transforming into a lovely place to hang-out, relax, and enjoy. As we headed back to our community, a phone call from Deidre took us on a detour to have dinner with her and little Tristan.

Then the four of us came back to our neighborhood for a wonderful stroller walk to the nearby park -- a quick ride on the swing and down the slide for Tristan--and a stroll back to the house. Then a hug and a kiss and Tristan and his aunt Dede were headed for home to see what everyone (Uncle John, cousin Ashly and Emerson, and Mommy Desiree) at their house was doing.

Around here we believe the 29th of every month is a great day and today was proof that it is! We breathed in its wonder all day. Hope you've had a great day too.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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