Pulled Pork

Every July 4th I have a BBQ. My oldest son was born on July 4 and we have been celebrating both the holiday and his birthday for over 30 years. Everyone brings a dish to contribute and for quite a while, my mom has been making pulled pork. Everyone loves it and looks forward to having it. Pulled pork is a form of barbecued pork that is cooked using a slow cooking method. Cooking it over a long period, at low temperatures, the meat becomes tender enough that it can be "pulled" into pieces.
Well unfortunately, my mom is in the hospital after having had a terrible allergic reaction to an antibiotic she was taking. It was serious enough that they admitted her rather than let her leave after treatment in the emergency room. She is doing better and hopes to be home tomorrow. I decided that rather than omitting the much-loved dish that I would try making it myself. I took this blip in the supermarket after gathering all the ingredients needed to make the dish. I have never attempted making this before and I sure do hope I can do my mom's version justice.
As I am typing this, my house smells so good! I have over twelve pounds of pork slowly smoking in my oven. After approximately six hours, I can take it out to cool and then start the "pulling" process. A wonderful combination of ingredients will go into making the sauce and then it will be put together to make the finished dish.
The weather forecast is looking good for the fourth and that is a HUGE relief for me. Having to depend on the weather to host a party is nerve wracking to say the least. This is the first time in all these years that I was actually thinking I might not be able to have it due to the weather. You know it is getting sad when your mail carrier comes to the door with a package and announces 'the sun is out!' as if it were a miracle!

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