Photos in A Major

By A

NY Highline

I'd heard about this, but never seen in on previous trips, it's an "abandoned" above ground rail route, only a couple of miles long, but now an oasis of garden, art, sculpture and vistas into NY streets as you go north.  

Utterly fab day, up earlyish (when am I not when I am here), the subway to Columbus Circle (never done the NY subway before, it's a bit like London, but with more frequent trains!  Then a lap of Central Park, you could almost believe you are not in the middle of a metropolis in some parts, with tall trees hiding event taller buildings.  I knew I was not far away, I think there were 4000 other runners doing a 4mile race in the park at the same time, it gave me some company at least!  Then across to the Hudson, past a WWII aircraft carrier (the Intrepid, really quite enormous) and back to the highland and then the hotel.  Shorter than yesterday, all on Manhattan island and just one last NY experience, a lobster roll in Grand Central Station for lunch.  

Now out in the suburbs, feels like middle America, something of a culture shock (again), NY appears to be a displaced city of global diversity, cross between European capitals and a good mixture of Asia thrown in for good measure.  Aside from being fiendishly expensive, it felt quite homely!

A few extra photos, car storage NY style, expandable buildings and the intrepid (with the back end of a Blackbird SR-71 over the transom!).

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