Capital adventures

By marchmont


Woke early but dozed till well after 8. Tidied the bedroom press, reorganising the books and sundry other items.

Then a truncated Coffee Club as Y was off to Edinbrick but K was there which was good. 

Last night's news from #3 son about a neighbour turned out to be true. Police welfare check and then a team in forensic suits confirming the worst news. So sad. She was a troubled soul.

I spent the rest of the tidying and ticking off the things on the list. The garage is cleared of leaves, 2 things I thought I'd sell in keeping, the keyboard is worth a lot and may be donated so only one thing is gone on Gumtree. Photos of an 18th birthday party 20 years ago and a birth 30 years ago were shared. I checked SD cards and found foxes and a hedgehog on the trail camera. I've moved to what is I hope a better position. And finally, after all that distraction I read the KL email. That's tomorrow's task. I am so enjoying having less work.

Finished Dinosaur and returned to Astrid: Murder in Paris. 

You can tell it rained today and wasn't as nice as yesterday, can't you? 

The tit was stealing my felt for the nest. Spring!

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