I Think I Am Seeing Things

It must be the lack of sleep.

Just about to head to bed last night and SWMBO announced that she couldn't feel her hand.
She also had a droopy mouth and was having to think very hard to find the words to speak (very slowly).


Another T.I.A.

So it was off to the hospital.
Luckily the symptoms cleared after a couple of hours and we were out of the place by 3am - despite the teenage doctor wanting to keep her in.
If she knew SWMBO she would have realised a lot earlier she was fighting a losing battle to keep SWMBO in.

This episode is slightly late.
She has one (or a full blown stroke) every 3 years - give or take a couple of months.
This one is 3 1/2years since her last one.

The Squirrel had virtually no sleep last night due to teething, which meant that Bags and the Cygnet were a bit short changed in that department too.
So when we all had to go out Squirrel was in her PJs - and eating her car seat and the Cygnet was acting the fool - about a minute before falling asleep.

I have to go out this evening to have some forms signed - I hope it is not going to turn into a social evening because I need my pit!

The blip is a motorbike mirror seen outside the motor factor.

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