Best Buddies

PD may not be ours - but he is definitely part of the family.
Squirrel in particular thinks he is the bees knees - as can be seen HERE.

On one of our walks today the kids were horrified to find that their favourite playground has fencing all round it and all the equipment has been ripped out.
No pictures as I managed to leave the memory card in the computer instead of the camera!!!!!.
I spoke to the guy with the angle grinder and found out that they are going to be making it much larger with much bigger equipment which will take at least 4 weeks.
2 things struck me as being a complete cock up about this .......... First - that will take up most of the school holidays when the place gets used most and Secondly - it means that it will no longer be suitable for younger kids and will be a magnet for teenagers/drinkers/loutish behaviour and will scare off anyone bringing the age group it should be aimed at (like the other local park) .

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