Self determined

I am a nightmare. At running club tonight we were doing a hill session around Hunter's Bog and around The Crags - three loops. It was boiling.

I may have mentioned once or twice that I dislike running in the sun/heat. Perhaps this is too much information, but when I get too hot, my fingers swell to look like little sausages. I know, I'm sexy! Tonight running was one of those nights, it was simply too hot for me.

I did the circuit once and then did my own thing and ran up on top of the Crags. This is the view of Edinburgh from almost the top. My route was a shorter route, but a steeper one. So I figured it equalled out. Then I ran through the park with Claire for my last route.

I ran up to the club before we started so I still ran 6.5 miles in total. So again I don't mind doing my own thing! I am a self determined little bissum!

Today's run: 6.5 miles
July running mileage: 10.5 miles
2013 running mileage: 558.5 miles

I've looked up my swollen hands problem on the Internet (because we know its never wrong) and apparently it's quite common and due to vasodilation; my body's regulatory system trying to cool me down. It's just quicker and more pronounced in me than regular folk! This is how to tackle it:

1. Run with your hands above heart-level
2. Keep drinking fluids during the run, and
3. Avoid running outdoors in high temperatures.

Hmm I'm not sure I can keep my hands above heart level the whole time, but I can do the other two - especially the last one!!

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