
By Pleach

Raven's Rock

Just below Raven's Rock on Arthur's Seat there are masses of pink and white foxgloves adorning the steep slopes. While there I was being watched by a couple of fulmars who were nesting on the rocks above (possibly just visible in large). A rabbit nibbled some grass while keeping a wary eye open for dogs but they seemed to be on the main footpaths. Walkers were scrambling to the summit up the main route beside The Guttit Haddie and joggers were taking heed of the notice indicating that the Radical Road path was closed due to a rockfall, which I have never known in the numerous times I have walked there. They were advised to divert via Hunter's Bog or the Galloping Glen. As I had passed Kaim Head on entering into Holyrood Park the Queen waved as she went by in her car on her way to officially reopen Abbotsford House and the John Buchan Centre in The Borders.

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