Look Out

By chrisf


S and P’s garden is probably 10x the size of mine at home, and is a wildlife haven. They get a bit annoyed at the rooks, which have learnt how to upset the various bird feeders so that seed is scattered across the ground and therefore accessible. The village’s stray peacock is a regular and (to my eyes) startling visitor (extra). The poor bird needs to meet a peahen one day.

This afternoon myself and BiL P walked the Trailway from the village via the station and Bere Marsh Farm to Fiddleford with its Inn ( lunch was had), old Manor and Mill beside the river Stour (extra). The Farm is owned by the Countryside Regeneration Trust, and has breeding barn owls (there’s an event there tomorrow for children dissecting owl pellets), and is intending to erect towers to encourage White Storks to breed.

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