Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Seville Day Two

A very good breakfast! But Hazel didn’t appear for the 9am rendevous. I texted and rang. I was quite worried about her - she’s always on her phone in the mornings! JR eventually went to her room. She had slept in! And slept through two phones calls!!

Breakfast enjoyed, we set off an hour or so later than anticipated to get the HOHO bus. The first stop we wanted - in fact - the only stop we wanted, was the Plaza d’España. It’s spectacular. Very busy, of course, but plenty of room for everyone. Hazel had been keen to go to a flamenco show, but we saw a free show here.

Hopped on the bus again, and went around and about. We alighted at a stop near the historic centre, which was great. We had the GPS to find our way through the wee narrow streets to near the cathedral. We had lunch, then went back to a place that had been recommended - a rooftop bar with a view of the cathedral. But the best views were reserved for the patrons of the hotel - we had a limited view. The cathedral visit is for another day.

A bit of a drama with my glasses - they came loose and kept falling off. Also, for some reason, they became twisted, so they (I) looked rather silly. I’d been looking for an optician, and we came across one! A very charming young chap kindly fixed them for me. I could see again!

Another stroll back to our hotel through the winding wee streets and big open plazas (using GPS). A bottle of wine was shared on the hotel terrace in the evening. A great day, with over 10,000 steps. Not too bad with my walking stick. My phone step counter isn’t working, possibly alarmed by my recent huge step counts.

It’s great having Hazel. She chats away to waiters like a local.

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