Tiny rock flowers

I had a very nice time out at Mom's. We went out for a short walk this morning and I put us in the extras. Once I got back to town I went to Pilot Hill to hike back up the canyon I hiked a few weeks ago. I wanted to see the progression of the little flowers. Lots more were blooming though not all were open. The sky was starting to cloud up and some snow was spitting. I was able to ID them though. The top left is an Easter Daisy, to the right is a tiny sprig of Alpine Crane's Bill, which is a type of geranium, no bloom yet, bottom right is  Alpine False Springparsley, then Alpine Clover and Sea Thrift. I think it would look like a little aster when open.
Then it was home to get ready for the week and sneak in a little fiddle practicing.

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