Sad but True

By sbt

Rose de Rescht

We bought this pretty little rose last year.I had read somewhere that it was well worth a place in any garden and as it is scented I bought one when I had the chance. My books tell me that this is classed as a 'Portland' rose although some seem to say it has lots of Damask characteristics too.

Whatever, it is a beautiful deep magenta pink and has flowered most generously this summer.

We had a huge storm overnight but instead of clearing the air the whole day has been clammy and overcast.This afternoon I was out helping a group of Year 5's ( 9-10 yr olds) carry out a geography survey in the village. We dodged showers and bemoaned the lack of people on the street.After-school Gymnastics kept the girls and I out until 7pm. Dinner was late and now, typing at 11.10 pm I have tired eyes and know it is time to go to bed. Goodnight.

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