
By Grammy

American Five-Lined Skink (Aspidoscelis)

I used new muscles while working outside yesterday. My legs were begging to stay in bed this morning. But our weather was too perfect to waste. I took pictures of my old fashioned bearded iris for my blip. After breakfast, as I was going out the garage door, this lizard watched me cautiously. Was happy to get a photo before he scooted away. Irises tomorrow? I gathered my pruning tools and waste receptacles and headed out by our bedroom side of the house. We have two beauty berry bushes, two lilacs, a flowering quince and a tall crepe Myrtle that needed dead areas pruned. Hubby put his tent up and let it dry. He started cutting grass in the formal garden. Since it hasn’t rained, he decided to wait a few days on mowing. He raked and picked up the larger branches I cut. We worked until almost 2:00 pm and I had to stop. Just too darn old. I will finish next time I can get out there. What I did looks so much better. Several branches die off each winter. Hubby went to pick up meds after we showered; I went to the recliner. Today is Chase’s 17th birthday. We are going to celebrate at Olive Garden. I still have to wrap his gift and dress for the occasion. Hope you had a productive day. Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe.
“Advice from a Lizard
* Soak up some sun
* Snap up opportunities
* Be a colorful character
* Appreciate stillness
* Keep a low profile
* Shed your old ways
* Be dashing!”
- Llan Shamir, Your True Naturea

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