
By KCNQ2Haiku

Clean floor

Never been this clean??
Accidental sink over-spill, 
minor flood, soon mopped!

Well, I created some drama for myself today by allotting an hour for 'clean as much as possible!"  I get overwhelmed if I spend longer than that and I find if I set a timer I can get quite a lot done in an hour.  I was multi tasking (that was my first mistake!) by running the tap to fill the sink at the same time as hoovering.  I finished hoovering the living room and thought, "I' know, I'll carry on up the stairs.."  Headphones on, humming along to music, hoover distorting noise, I finally arrived back in the kitchen to find water in every corner and the sink just cascading over..  Eek.  After an initial panic I set to mopping it all up with the dog towels and realised that the edges of the cabinets and the tiles in the corners have really never been cleaner :-D  So it all worked out in the end.  Although Leo was a bit confused at why I was creating a paddling pool in the house :-/
Ben has been OK, Mr KCNQ2Haiku is in Edinburgh but it's a just a day trip so he'll be back later.
I have a postal vote to avoid ending up in a situation where I need to drag Ben out to the polling station with me.. but I always feel on election day it's a bit of an anticlimax when you don't actually have to go anywhere or participate!  Still, a vote's a vote I suppose!
I'm bath monitor so I'd better go :-)  Happy Thursday all!

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