
By Groggster

Full Of Beans

Unfortunately I woke up feeling entirely the opposite of today's title. I was struggling to get out of bed and for no particular reason I was in a bit of a downcast mood - but sometimes you just have to give yourself a kick up the backside and try and make the best of your day. So I got my running shoes on and headed out for an earlyish run.
Going for a run, even one as short as today's, always helps me to shift my mindset and set me on a more even keel for the day ahead.
By lunchtime I was getting itchy feet so we decided to make a return trip to the hilltop village of Sutton Valence to try The Queens Head after frequenting its royal sibling equivalent, The King's Head, a few yards away a couple of weeks ago.
The Queens Head is a much more traditional affair than The King's Head, but absolutely none the worst for it, with stripped floorboards and stout wooden chairs and tables. We did feel slightly self-conscious as we ordered our pints as we quickly realised we were the only customers in the whole pub but we still received a warm welcome and even the incumbent hostelry hound popped his head over the bar to say hello.
We sat at a table by the front window which must have one of the best views in the county looking across the village's rooftops to the miles of rolling countryside beyond. Much as I would have liked my image for today to be this glorious view it was such an overcast and featureless day that my camera would really not have done it any justice but I'm determined to return and capture its magnificence on a future occasion.
After we'd finished our very quiet pints we decided instead of heading home we would venture on to the nearby village of Headcorn for a coffee and another chance at getting a blip image for the day. We settled on patronising the delightfully named Betty Boo's cafe which unlike The Queens Head was virtually thronging with customers. Our coffees, which were rather gultiliy accompanied by a small cake monikered as a "chocolate log," were both great and the staff were warm and friendly.
We then took a small perambulation around the village itself but were still unable to secure any images for blip and so headed home. I must admit my mood was greatly improved after our micro trip and when we got home I came across this bag for life and realised unlike the start of my day I was now full of beans! :-)

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