
By Munroist4113

Balkans Day 1 - Tirana

Having been told by BA last night that our 10.05am flight was cancelled, we had to book on the 8am one. This meant a less-than agreeable wake-up at 4.30am. It also meant we needed to get a taxi (£25) from #3 daughter’s as the metros didn’t run early enough. Therefore it was galling to find that once we all boarded (it had been pouring rain since we left home) we were told that the very full flight wouldn’t depart for over an hour. We actually left at9.35, half an hour before the original flight time. Some people missed their onward flights.

We had a late breakfast at Heathrow T5 and eventually got our BA flight to Tirana, arriving around 6pm. (Judith, who was on our Madagascar trip, was on the same flight.). Getting money changed was a palaver as the limit was £50 with many forms to fill in and get photocopied and passport numbers entered. Eventually we headed off to get a bus going into the city. It cost £4 which was better than the £20 some other Brits we saw at the money change had paid for a private transfer. People who checked in at Heathrow have no bags as the belt broke. It was mayhem at the place to report missing luggage as so many people were queuing. Luckily our bags went straight on from Newcastle though we always have enough to last a few days in the carry-on rucksacks.

We had a few hundred yards to walk from the bus stop to Hotel Boka, by which time it was dark. Our room is spacious with double aspect windows and a little balcony overlooking a square with cafes, shops and bars. We’ll be off out to sample the local beer as soon as we cool off. Yes, cool off! So lovely to be warm.

We are very pleased with the election results though it does seem it’s a vote against the present regime rather than for Labour. Appalling turnout so looks like the disgruntled Tories just stayed away.

Other good news is that the Tractor Boys made it to the Premiership. (When we lived in Suffolk they were our local team and we used to go to the games).

Here’s Mr C on our balcony. I’m thankful we have triple glazing as pop music is blaring.

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