
By dreaming

White bells

I managed to get a parking space right by the door at dialysis today, which was a good thing because it's been raining lightly nearly all day.  I spent most of my time listening to my audiobook.  This shrub is next to my parking space and I think the white flowers are pretty.  I tried using Lens to find out what it is, but had no luck.  Do you recognize it?

I made an E-card for Lex's birthday and when she responded to it I knew it was not too early for me to call and sing to her.  Many years ago I gave her a birthday card illustrated with animals by Sandra Boynton, and the wording was: Hippo birdie two ewes, hippo birdie two ewes, hippo birdie deer you, hippo birdie two ewes.  That is what we have sung to each other on our birthdays ever since.

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