Picture Consequences

By consequences

Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction

Once upon a time, there was a storyteller who lived in the Land of Blip.

One day, while walking through the forest of enchanted images and magical words, he came across an extraordinary creature of the woods.

"Hear ye," said the accompanying words, written by the Lady Who Lived Far, Far Away. "To whomsoever shall tell the story of this image, I shall give a prize of a bar of my magic soap. Yea, verily."

Or words to that effect.

So, the storyteller, being a teller of stories, couldn't resist writing some words.

And the Lady Who Lived Far, Far Away did read the words. And the storyteller, along with several other worthy contenders, did win, for their words did have a pleasing ring to her ear.


But what's this? The Lady Who Lived Far, Far Away did not send a bar of magic soap.

No. In her generosity she sent two!

And in the storyteller's humble abode, all was froth and lather and cleanliness - with the unmistakable scent of Eucalyptus and Lime. Not to mention the aromatic promise of Orange and Basil to come.

And they all lived happily ever after.


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