You Say I'm a Dreamer... We're two of a kind

Yesterday Si looked at me when I wandered barefooted away from Holyrood and shook his head...and laughed.

He says now, after 27 years that he is not surprised by my madness, he is more surprise if I do behave.

He says I get bored, very easily and then start looking for something to do. I will speak to anyone with in earshot, and ask inappropriate things,(things that everyone wants to know), and frequently dance like no one is watching, (when typically everyone is). He is used to my standing on the hill over looking the Scout Hall... and squealing loudly "I LOVE YOU SIMON"... or stopping dead, kiss face on in Morrison and demanding kisses.

And then the other side.

He knows I'm really shy, but shy in a different way from him.

He knows I feel sick when I have to go out in company, because he does too.

He knows i'm happiest in my own space, with those who know me best, and understand my crazy, mad, mental head.

He know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I'm never ever going to grow up.

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