I Was Dumbfounded by Truth
What do you think about when you are alone?
What do you think about when you have nothing but miles of sea in front of you?
What do you think about when the cloud is so low that you can't see the Island off shore?
What do people think when they are watching other people?
I was thinking;
"What are you thinking about, manny, are you sad?
Are you happy?
Have you just split up from your girlfriend/boyfriend *delete as appropriate?
Have you just met your girlfriend/boyfriend *delete as appropriate
Are you just enjoying the warm night?"
Then I had a wee close look through my lens, and I thought, I know what you are thinking.
You are thinking
"I wish to hell I could stop smoking, because despite the gorgeous night i have in front of me, and the clear air, and the blue sky, and the blue sea, I can't enjoy it for all the fag smoke around my head, and the coughing from my chest".
And that is all.
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