
By fennerpearson

Probable cows

This week Hannah is doing some work experience at a firm of solicitors in Kendal. We'd decided that she'd drive to the cottage in the mornings and then we'd travel across together.

This morning, she was running a little late, so I went out to wait in the car. The little lane that runs behind the cottages widens to accommodate car parking and, at its end, is this field. Typically, it contains a few pheasants and it's not uncommon for there to be a herd of sheep but this morning I was confronted by these fellows.

In my experience - particularly of running through fields of cows - they will either run away from you or ignore you. Occasionally, if you aren't running and it's near their feeding time, they will follow you, which is quite unnerving.

I'm not sure what was happening with these fellows; they were looking at me as though I'd be in all sorts of trouble if that flimsy fence wasn't in the way. I took this shot and then moved in for a closer one but they then turned and trotted away. A small victory for me, perhaps, but I won't be running with the bulls any time soon.

Actually, this reminded me of a tale I'd heard that if you lie down in a field of cows, they will approach you, and lick you and nudge you. And then, when you get up, they will quite genially follow you around. I had a quick Google and this was the best I could come up with.

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