
By fennerpearson

A pagan place

When you are the sort of chap who tries to take a photo each day that might be worth publishing or at least illustrate some anecdote or incident, then going somewhere of one's beaten track is a bit of a relief.

I remember when I first started - over on my slumbering Tumblr blog - I was chatting to @shequeen on Twitter about the pressure to find something to photograph and write about. I said that my ultimate fallback was to photograph my saucepans and write about them. Happily, it's never been that desperate, although I have fallen back on a self-portrait on two occasions.

Anyway, today I was off to Knutsford and thought (without really thinking about it) that I'd find something to photograph there. But when I looked around after my meeting, nothing leapt out at me and I was just on the verge of giving up and heading for home when I caught sight of this fellow, stood in the middle of a roundabout.

I must say, I really like him. (I'm assuming it's a him from the antlers but I'm happy to be corrected. Interested even.) There's something splendidly pagan about him, which, to be honest, I wasn't really expecting to find in Knutsford. It's funny, the more I look at this photograph, the more I expect him to move.

PS The title - 'A Pagan Place' - is a steal from The Waterboys. Here is the fabulous song by that name.

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