Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


It was warm(ish) today! I went out in my duffle coat and was too hot. Things are looking up. Still with the haar, mind you.

I took Archie round the Links first thing, and then we all walked to Waitrose to pick up some flowers and a nice bottle for Christine, whose birthday the other day was a Big One, and we didn't realise. Although we should have done because she went on that huge cruise to South America to celebrate.

I then went to the optician and I'm very glad I did, and didn't just put up with the foggy left eye. Yes - a cataract - as was mentioned last time (six months ago) and quite a speedy one, too. I've been referred for an operation procedure. A year's waiting list, but they'll try and get me in earlier, as the deterioration in one eye has been quite significant *sigh*

I had a coffee, and JR and Archie said they'd come to meet me, which made me walk home instead of getting the bus. (8,735 steps).

A brief lie down and I watched the Women's football - Arsenal v Manchester City. Great ball skills, no pretending they're hurt, up and down the pitch the whole time, three great goals. 

We then strolled down to visit the birthday girl. First time we've been out without a coat this year. Of course we had to share a bottle of bubbles with her, it would be rude not to. Dougal was on good form. I had Archie clasped by me on the sofa, so that he couldn't sneak off and lick his wound, as is his won't, and Dougal came and sat almost on Archie's head.

This is actually Archie's GOTCHA day. Yes, ten years ago today we brought him home from down in Lancashire. It's the only time he hasn't been sick in the car. What a wee treasure he is! 

Photo by JR

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