jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Heuristic Play

Bear's been going to a series of heuristic play sessions at Bean's Montessori preschool. He loves them! Today he discovered this set of pegs - they're all different sizes, ranging from fat to thin. He and another tot, Harry, played side by side for a little while, exploring which peg fitted in which hole.

Today we went totally covered in paint from this morning's Creation Station, and were quite late too as late naps and then a late lunch had pushed the whole day out. But this morning, Bear did me proud. After watching Bean paint himself yesterday, today Bear decided he was going to paint himself instead of the paper provided :) Steve suggested we should take the boys' socks off to save them from the paint and of course Bear took this as an invitation to literally climb into the paint trays!!

Before Creation Station I had to go to the dentist :-( so Aby was running today's classes, although I did go early to unload my kit for her before racing off to the dentist. As dental visits go it wasn't unnecessarily traumatic, it didn't hurt, and the dentist and her nurse were hugely hugely patient and gentle with me, but I still had an anxiety attack halfway through after holding in the stress as long as I could. She said I really should go for sedation next time. But that said, I really feel I need to conquer this. I've two more visits without sedation to complete this course of treatment, and then we'll decide after that if I'm still getting massively stressed at appointments.

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