jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Finally had a chance to open the latest parcel from Steve's parents this evening in the moments between dinner and bedtime: books for each boy, trousers for Bear and a Superman sweater for Bean which he LOVES! Had a bit of fun with him posing for photos while Bear lay down on the floor next to me and generally got in the way ;)

This evening's drive took us to Findon to drop Steve off at smallgroup, then I drove up along towards Steyning, turning off towards Partridge Green, up and back down the A24 and then a brief detour along the A280 determined to find somewhere to photograph the sun. At 8.30om it was nowhere near setting but I got some lovely pictures and was careful not to scare any drivers or put myself in too much danger getting them!

Been another busy day. Out first thing in the morning to move the car and pop along to the pharmacy for insulin (too many plates spinning at the moment mean that remembering to organise my repeat prescriptions gets a bit neglected unfortunately), back for Little Fishes, a quick sit down to give Bear a sleep, and then out for the afternoon to the cinema with friends! The first time since we moved from Manchester that we've been out to the cinema together - that's a LONG time. Neither of us can remember the last thing we saw at the cinema together. We watched Despicable Me 2, Bean sat on Steve's knee the whole time but loved it, and I ended up having to go out with Bear as he got itchy feet and needed to run around. I got told what happened at the end, but I guess I'll probably have to wait until Christmas to actually watch the rest of it... Ah well! Still good to go out for a change :)

AND I didn't leave my keys in the house this evening. All is good!

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