
By tridral

Adeiladu'r adeilad

Adeiladu'r adeilad ~ Building the building

“Jobs should never be hurried. People soon forget how fast you did a job - but they remember how well you did it.”
― Howard Newton (Quoted in ‘The Best Things in Life Begin with J’, published by History and Heraldry, 2004)

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Heddiw, daeth Richard i helpu gyda’r gwaith adeiladu cytiau. Da iawn oedd ei fod yno oherwydd ei ddeallusrwydd yn ogystal â'i gryfder. Roedd llawer o ddarnau yn y cwt, ond ar ôl gwneud y sylfaen roedd y broses yn eithaf syml.

Oni bai am y glaw efallai y byddem wedi gwneud mwy, ond roeddem yn hapus gyda'n cynnydd. Erbyn diwedd y dydd, roedd to ar yr adeilad. Mae llawer i'w wneud o hyd, ond mae'r cwt yn edrych fel cwt.

Yfory, bydda i'n gweithio ar fy mhen fy hun ac yn gobeithio am dywydd da.

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Today, Richard came to help with the hut building work. It was very good that he was there because of his intelligence as well as his strength. There were a lot of pieces in the hut, but once the foundation was made the process was pretty simple.

If it hadn't been for the rain we might have done more, but we were happy with our progress. By the end of the day, the building had a roof. There is still a lot to do, but the hut looks like a hut.

Tomorrow, I will work alone and be hoping for good weather.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Adeiladu cwt yn yr ardd
Description (English):  Building a hut in the garden

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