
By GracieG

A Sewing Project

When we had one of those days recently where we had rain and gloomy skies for a whole day, I decided that I needed a sewing project.

I'd found a pair of old curtains in a charity shop.  I think they must be fairly old as the label inside said 'St Michaels, made in the UK'.  I think it's been a few years since M&S were either called 'St Michaels' or actually sold goods made here.  They were in fairly good condition and made from really good quality cotton.  They were just a bit faded down one edge where the sun had done it's work. So, as the colours matched the newly re-purposed and redecorated dining room I decided to make a table runner and matching napkins from them.

The weather has improved since then and I'd been too busy to finish them off, until today, which was great because we have dinner guests this evening, so they are now in-situ all ready for later.

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