
By BikerBabe


Earlier in the week we had a deluge of rain that gently dropped a hint that the gutters were blocked again. Next door has a rather large tree in their back garden whose leaves & twigs tend to gravitate to said gutters. Henceforth it was a good time for your Gal to unblock them before the rain returns.

Naturally this has lead onto 'further maintenance required' oh joy of joys. At the back of the house I took a short section down and adjusted the fall as there are two downspouts but I think most of the water was heading to only one of them...will reassess whether that was a success next time the Manchester weather returns.

At the front of the house there is a short pitched roof where the ground floor projects forward 3 or 4 feet and a section of bargeboard has rotted behind a downspout. I don't think dpc was installed under the bottom roof tiles neatly enough so have gotten a new section to paint & fit 'soon' and fettle the run of dpc.

All good fun (not) but happier to do the job myself and know it'll be okay.

Blip is of the errant Shadow asking very politely for a taste of my tea/dinner/evening meal/whatever people call it in you locale! I don't ask for a nibble of hers but she doesn't question that!

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