
By hazelh

Scotland Street super climber clematis

This time of year I always admire this clematis on Scotland Street. What a mountaineer it is.

I photographed the clematis on the way to the gym for my return to aquafit and strength training classes. Both went well (and my neck survived), but I limped home with yet another injury! I stubbed the second toe on my right foot when I misjudged the depth of the swimming pool in the shallow end after my post-aquafit swim. The little piggy that stayed at home is now an unsightly swollen black bruise.

This afternoon I switched my winter wardrobe for my summer clothes, with a break in the middle for a walk in Warriston cemetery with Mr hazelh. 

The clothes switch is so much easier when you are retired and have fewer garments to check. I have set aside a couple of formal skirts and dresses (Boden, Hobbs, Whitestuff) and tops (Kettlewell) that I haven't worn since I handed in my notice so that I can offer them to others who might like them. Any unclaimed will be destined for the Bethany shop. 

The clothing audit has also generated a small shopping list: 2 pairs of jeans (to replace my over-patched pairs); a top to go with my multicoloured silk skirt; and polo neck jumpers in navy blue, black, and brown (to replace the three that are really beyond any more darning).

It so lovely that the weather has finally warmed up. The three of us celebrated after the walk by cracking open a box of Mars bar ice creams.

Exercise today: aquafit class; swim (10 lengths); strength training; walking (19,224 steps).

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