
By SomethingAwful

Motion Shot

I'm now uploading a whole bunch of pics from a really busy, emotional time, all at once and all much much later than they were taken. So forgive me if the following blip-blogs just turn into a kind of list of the things I can remember that happened to me at the end of term. Here goes.

Today was the last ever Bruschetta. For me, anyway. I hadn't been in a while because, to be frank, Joe didn't quite oversee things to the standard that they used to be at the end of second year. Not only was the quality of the bruschetta beginning to wane, but it just isn't what it used to be. Joe and I are two of the only remaining originals, and it was making me sad this year to go to something that used to be a gathering of some of my favourite people, whose company I adored, and find that I didn't know anyone, they were more Joe's type than mine, and frankly, there were no females, and no Americans or Italians.
Nevertheless, I walked down to Joe's stopping outside Jack's window to chat loudly about plans for tonight, and came in to find, as I expected, none of the originals. Nice people though, and I found their gossip entertaining! The bruschetta itself wasn't too bad either, actually.

Headed home via the co-op, where I bumped into Jack again, and confirmed that Francesca and I had not confirmed our plans for tonight. Home for dinner with Francesca, and then got ready to go out to Hava's birthday/free house party! We decided we'd go there, then get to Zephyr for the end of BootsNCats, cos Jack was there and Axel wanted to go. But when Axel arrived and de-bun-fested the gathering a bit, obviously a game of 'drunk ball' got started and we were having too much fun to leave. Also Francesca got a phone call from Tim that was horrible at the time but also kind of a funny story, so that prolonged the evening a bit, as did hanging out with Jsocers and chatting with Axel and Erin on Hava's bed. :)

In the end, Jack texted me that the post-Zephyr houseparty he'd gone to was a bit of an empty den, and that we should go to Kelsey's, which we did although Francesca and Axel didn't stay long! After a few fun pool games with Jack and his mates, and me taking it upon myself to invite them to his empty house (I think he was glad they declined) we called it a night. Ah, Kelsey's. I'll miss 'er.

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