Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Well for once the weather men were right - today we have wall-to-wall blue sky and sunshine. So it was on with the Factor 50 and out for a walk along the promenade.

Stopped to have a chat with 3 RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) lads - one of whom was the supervisor - two new lads were about to take their jet ski exam today so they were getting ready for that and also creaming themselves well - that sun is darn hot and we are so NOT used to it! See my blip or here to read more about the RNLI and the sterling work they do all over the UK. The one thing I have noticed about these lads is that they are always ready with a smile and always willing to chat about what they do.

A bit further along the prom we met Jana (in the sunglasses) and Kate, two lovely girls who were drumming up support for the RNLI, so we signed up to support them - the lads work tirelessly and are always there in case anyone gets into difficulty - so my entry for the HeartFreek July Photo Challenge is Someone Special x 2, meaning the girls, but this also includes the lads!!

Jana has just come back from Australia, having done 6 months of her History Degree course over there - so this is her summer job - she even shared her Australian chocolate biscuits with us - actually we did her a favour as they were melting in the heat!

Wrote this earlier today, but just off down to the beach now to have Pimms and canapés with friends - it's a hard life being retired, as I have often said!!

Have a great time this weekend and don't forget the sun cream.

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