
By Veronica

Lunch out

Not much food in the house, and it was a lovely day, so we went to La Bonbonne for lunch. Their garden is so delightful; we were surprised it wasn't more crowded, but I guess most people went out to eat on the actual bank holidays (today isn't, but lots of people will have taken advantage to have a very long weekend, Wednesday to Sunday).

We shared a Caesar salad, then had two small plates (oeuf en cocotte and mussels), and I was greedy enough to order dessert, a lovely combination of strawberries, lime-flavoured meringue, almond tuiles, basil sorbet, and proper hand-whipped chantilly (not out of a spray can). Simple things done well.

A siesta was needed when we got back. Then I stirred myself to go to yoga ... it turned out Ludmila must have been having a pont as well, because there was no-one there, which was rather annoying since I had told her I intended to come. Still, it was a nice evening for a drive. I passed a field of poppies (extra); as I got out of the car a buzzard flew low over my head but was not considerate enough to perch on a fence post, disappearing into the distance.

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