
By Munni

His Fluffiness

I was still blip-less this afternoon and went outside to take a photo of the poppies in our little front garden. But I found a visitor there - Baloo, one of our neighbours’ cats. So the poppies were relegated into the background. 

The car in the background is the neighbours’, too, it belongs to Baloo’s humans. There’s no space for a car in their garage anymore, because the garage is packed to the rafters with their DIY machinery.

It was an odd day. I had plans for a gym session and some shopping; but the gym is near a big garden centre and several hardware stores, which were mobbed today. The traffic jam was so bad, I couldn’t even turn into the street leading into the area. After about ten minutes of waiting at the same traffic light without getting any further, I gave up, went home, and worked.

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