
By JanetMayes

Downwards Goat?

It was another bright morning. I got J up in good time, so that she was ready for breakfast before M arrived to help her with it, completed various little jobs early, then decided it was a perfect day to walk over the hilltop. I hadn't done this walk in full for some time, so it was a surprise to find that the paddock where the gorgeous Valais Blacknose sheep live has been divided in two, with the lower portion now occupied by three pretty brown and cream spotted goats. I was amused by this munching posture - downward goat? A variation on chaturanga? (It's better at it than I am!) I also noted that the young hedgerow trees, which were planted alongside the fence a couple of years ago when the route of the public footpath was officially moved to run round rather than through the paddock, have been thoroughly munched. As I watched, the smaller of the two in the extra daintily put its head through one of the squares between the wires to rip off more of the emerging hawthorn leaves.

There were lovely views into the Exted valley,  and I walked back down the hill through the bluebell wood. The bluebells are fading now, but bright patches of pink campion are bursting into the views between the trees, and the dappled shade felt restful after the dazzling sun outside. I don't know how much longer the wood will be left open for walks now that bluebell season is coming to an end, but it's been a joy to spend time there over the past few weeks.                                                          

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