
By ruthie1

Beaver hike

Today was the complete opposite of yesterday! A non-stop rushing around sort of a day.
We dashed home for tea before dropping Anya off at dance early to get Max to Beavers for his first hike (I had volunteered to help as they were short) but Anya needed picking up from dance & andrew was in Nottingham for a work hockey tournament. Managed to get Anya a lift home but then had to figure out how to get her to cubs whilst the beavers were literally stuck in the mud on their hike. We had to carry them over wet, oozy mud (despite the warm sunny weather) Max’s shoe came off and others were up to their knees nearly!
This meant Max and I had to run back the rest of the way to get hole in time off Anya, strip our shoes & socks off and dash back out to cubs. Phew, I was exhausted! Then had to make tea for Andrew & I whilst he arrived home tired and oblivious to the manic evening I had had.

This was Max & I walking together just before the race to get home!

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