
By KathyH58


One of the display gardens at a nursery I stopped at today. Although I shopped at this nursery for several years, it was only last summer that I started getting a landscapers discount. One of the ones that works there started recognizing me when I went there. I told her that I have a landscaping business, so she started giving me a discount. Last week when I was there, I didn't see her, but I asked about a discount. The owner told me that they keep track of what I spend in a book, and after I spend $1000 I get a discount. I only bought a couple of things last week, this week I spent over $350. The one that started giving me a discount last year was there today, so she told the cashier that I get the discount.

Then I stopped at another garden center, which had a lot of new employees last year. I bought a couple of things, and went to show the cashier my garden club membership card to get a discount there, and he said he remembered me from last year.

Do you think I spend too much time at all the garden centers when the staff remember who you are?

It was a nice day out for my birthday, despite a chilly temperature. I stopped at the research station in Kentville to get some photos of the rhododendrons that have started to bloom. Followed by a walk at Miners Marsh. I could hear birds in the woods, but couldn't see them. The leaves are starting to form on the trees, so they have places to hide. I did get to see one of the Canada geese families, so far there are 2 of them. Then stops at 3 garden centers. My last stop was at the Harriet Irving Botanical Garden in Wolfville. They have a lot of native plants growing there.

There was an accident on the 101 and it was closed between the Wolfville exits. All of the traffic had to detour thru downtown Wolfville, not unless you knew your way thru some of the back streets or the back roads. After my walk at the gardens, I used some of the back streets to get around the downtown area.

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