Choose Joy

By Energia


Somehow I managed to mess up a setting and took hundreds of oddly tinted photos. This is what raw is for. We will see how well I can fix these when I get home to my real computer. This is my iPad edit. I suppose I could have a lot of black and white photos when I am done. The main is my attempt at fixing one of them on my iPad. 

I saw my first baboons. I saw one off on the bush and while trying to photograph him realized I was seeing blurry outlines of others behind him, all hidden in the grass. Then I swiveled and realized there were baboons right there, in the tree, right next to the road, but wasn’t fast enough. Fortunately this mother came sauntering down the road with baby underneath. The pictures may not win awards but they will serve the purpose of reminding me of the moment and what I saw. 

I saw my first Kingfisher! I saw a hammercob which is a duck like thing with a funky hairdo. I’m putting the kingfisher in the extras unedited, with the weird lighting tint thing, because it looks kind of interesting this way. 


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