Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

But is it safe?

No swim

Rainy in Dublin- we had 20 degrees yesterday - tsk

Had my annual Cardiology appointment this morning - my ticker is thankfully ticking away in sweet harmony. The RoryMeister was all smiles.

Visited my mum. Had a great chat about making hats. She was trained in millinery and has a keen knowledge of hat making. On my iPhone I could show her ‘hats of the 1940s’ from google. And then a delightful conversation ensued when she explained to me how to make a beret. To be in the company of people who are creative (especially if it’s your mother) is delightful.

She and I have a planned trip on Wednesday - WP (weather permitting) and I might share this.

I was feeling a bit tired and cooked myself a tasty lunch and flicked the channels. On Sky Arts, was a look at the career of Dustin Hoffman. I have to admit, it’s quite inspiring.

So …. Is it safe? You can’t google. And I fancy I know who will get it. But from what film? No hints (as Mrs. Doyle would say)

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