a new year!

By Thesalh70

the long but v good Friday.....

Body clock alarm goes off at 5.20am, and i briefly contemplate another hour, but my sub concious also points out i can get another report done in an hour. So, i'm up, tea, laptop on, and working by 5.30am. 2 cups (or was it 3 by 6.30am!). finished working and then off for a walk to the woods.

a glorious morning, the start of an apparant heatwave. a lovely walk to the wood, met Flynn the dog on the way back, Pete's new bessie mate!

Before work, i have to get my car washed and valeted for Liv's prom tonight. ordered a couple of pink bows too!

into work, and a v long to do list....i pick off the complicated stuff first!

worked through, and left at 4pm. off to pick Liv up - am at her disposal for her prom evening tonight. perfect weather, and she looked gorgeous!

took her to mums for pictures....i doubt those 5 inch heels will last past 8pm!
then off to pick her friends up, and more photos in lovely surroundings.

captured this shot, she was unawares! early champers for her...

drove her and her friends to the prom, roof down, music banging! a perfect evening!

home by 8pm, pizza and vino for tea....holiday mode commences!

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