Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Rain, rain, go away.....

The wet and rainy weather continues. I am beginning to wonder whether the sun has gone the way of the dodo bird and become extinct. I think that it is out there somewhere, but at this point, I cannot be certain. It is ridiculous how much rain we are getting and it is starting to irk me. It has also impacted my blipping and I am trying to stay motivated.

This fence is right on my way to work and I decided to blip it because it was there. I like the interesting pattern of the gate and the receeding fence line. I purposefully shot wide open to blur the background. There was a distracting sign and some roads in the background that I decided to remove with PS. Here is the undoctored version if you are interested.

Clone stamp layer to remove power lines, poles and road sign
Clone stamp layer to remove road (Why not!)
Curves layer for contrast

Constructive criticism always welcome although I fear that the quality of my photography has declined as I have become more annoyed with the weather!

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