
By Hamp5on

Our street from the water

Susanna and I walked to go meet Sara this morning. Great to have time together. We caught the boat back to town. Our building is the one with green scaffolding stuff (hopefully to be taken down soon!), I don't think I'll ever get over the novelty of living this close to water!
We met Asha from school and caught the bus (car still out of action) to San An for team meeting. It was one of those journeys that felt like hard work - bus was late, absolutely jam packed, shouting passengers etc...
The Heasleys were part of our meeting today, and they came laden with gifts...migraine pills for me, dairy and gluten free choc for Nate, and a copy or 2 of Brian's book which Nate immediately began reading (extra).
Home for a bit of cleaning, shopping and cooking of tea. Danny walked to and from prison which added extra time to everything.
Now all 3 of us (with Susanna) sat round doing our respective work bits!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The beautiful boat ride home.
2) Fun with the team this afternoon.
3) Nate and Brian's friendship.

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