Keith B

By keibr

Garden Grape-Hyacinth

Garden Grape-Hyacinth - Muscari armeniacum
Another day of warmth, another day of gardening. My main task was working my way round the raspberry and blackberry canes which were in some disarray because winter arrived early and the autumn sorting didn't get done. Dead canes removed, giant canes trimmed down, sideshoots clipped, and drooping canes supported. Job done, and thanks to my gloves I only got one thorn in one finger!
I paused to photograph these pearl hyacinth growing on the side of the garden, and some wood anemones growing wild just off the garden (extra).
Jan was raking large areas of garden and her garden debris and mine all went onto the fire. The fire smouldered all night so when the first garden rubbish went on this morning it soon flared up once more. It was the same story all day.
Now we are both yawning as this day of heat and exercise takes its toll...

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