
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 76/90
Main activity: Tues - work, pool, brief rain
Notes: Up quite early and couldn't go back to sleep (part of it probably that it ends up being over 80 deg in here!). Got up, made a batch of choc chip bars w/ almond flour and did some work, early coffee. Hot and humid. Went to pool mid-morning, windy and cloudy and then sprinkles came in just as I was leaving. Wasn't long before the storm hit - huge winds that sounded like they were trying to rip my screen and wooden door off, some solid rain but only for a short time and then it was over ... has been soooo long since rain and we really need it - very disappointing. Quite hungry again today and eating long outside my window. Streamed shows in the evening and texted w/ Jason thru much of it. Big fast and highly energetic day ... and Carlene sent my galactic heritage reading tonight. Also, got a text from Christie Marie Sheldon (or likely someone from her team) out of the long wild blue - she's looking to add coaches. 

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