Place: Largo, FL 70/85
Main activity: Sun - jog, relaxing
Notes: Woke early but back to bed and then didn't wake again till almost 730a (and again felt quite out of it)! Much later than I want to bike and have jogged in awhile - even that was quite a chore and didn't feel up to it but headed out nonetheless for 30 min around the library and quieter streets. Changed and right to the pool to stretch out, cool off and then outdoor shower and back for real shower. Texted Mom for Mother's Day (and Andy and Bette). Was a couple min late getting the CBS Sun Morning Show up and running and later for coffee. Dozed a little noon-1p and then made my eggs w/ zucchini hash and flourless sprouted toast w/ goat butter and homemade jam. Quiet day, mostly relaxing. By evening, seemed very long. AC on thru the afternoon.

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