
By tridral

Hapus gyda'r gwaith

Hapus gyda'r gwaith ~ Happy with the work

“Whatever you do may seem insignificant, but it is most important that you do it.”
― Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

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Mae adeiladu'r cwt wedi dominyddir mis yn hyn, ond nawr mae wedi gorffen Wel, digon gorffen. Mae rhaid i mi dal yn ffitio'r clo a glanhau'r staen gormodol oddi ar y ffenestri.

Treuliais i'r diwrnod yn mynd yn rownd y cwt ie rhoi ail gôt o staen arno. Roedd y tywydd yn boeth ac roedd y staen yn sychu fel roeddwn i'n e baentio. Mae rhaid i mi gofio agor y ffenestri yfory oherwydd y bore 'ma roedd yr awyrgylch yn llawn gyda chemegau gwenwynig - nid yw’r lle iachus i eistedd mewn myfyrdod.

Rydw i wedi blino nawr ond rydw i'n hapus od y rhan fwyf o'r gwaith wedi gorffen. Nawr rydw i'n gallu mwynhau'r cwt - mae'n well na'r hen babell.
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Building the hut has taken over a month now, but now it's finished Well, enough finished. I still have to fit the lock and clean the excess stain off the windows.

I spent the day going round the hut to put a second coat of stain on it. The weather was hot and the stain was drying as I painted it. I have to remember to open the windows tomorrow because this morning the atmosphere was full of toxic chemicals - it's not a healthy place to sit in meditation.

I'm tired now but I'm happy that most of the work is done. Now I can enjoy the hut - it's better than the old tent.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Y cwt gyda wisteria o'i flaen
Description (English):  The hut with wisteria in front

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