
By BoydMcAdam

The lonicera claw

It is the time of year, especially when around the house a lot, that flowers and plants feature a lot.

When walking the dogs, this azalea in a neighbour’s garden is in full bloom. This honeysuckle flower was bursting through a bit like something out of a sci-if film. Alien springs to mind.

Coffee locally with friends. Kept hunting for my bus pass/ national entitlement card which I’d not seen for a few days - and eventually found it! Then got on with admin. Earthed up some of the potatoes. Enjoyed the sunshine. Did some ironing with half an eye on the TV.

Then went out with our son with both dogs just after 11 to see if I could see the badgers at the nearby King’s Buildings. They were spotted last night along with 2 foxes. No such luck tonight but at least the dogs enjoyed the walk.

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