The spring

Son T is always entering competitions, and the other day he received a package in the mail with one of the prizes from a competition that he had entered in the magazine ' Motorcycle Trader'. He had won a motorcycle helmet combination lock, and this is the spring that came with the lock. It's always a thrill to win a competition - one day he might own a road bike and this lock may just come in handy!

It was son C's 15th birthday today. We had a afternoon tea with the whanau (Maori for family), and ate far too much.....lollies, brandy snaps, cream sponge, chocolate eclairs, savouries, chips and dip etc etc - all the bad stuff......but it was so nice!

A really wet day today, so after being out in our wet weather gear this morning feeding the cows, it was nice to be inside this afternoon eating and relaxing!

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