
By Teasel

Through The Woods

Yet another really lovely morning – we are being spoiled this weekend.  TT headed off to church, and walked part way with him, then back, before going out for a run.  It was another lovely , but hot run, although there was more of a breeze this morning which was very welcome.  I ended up running almost seven miles, which was further than I had planned.  I was very hot when I got home.  I made pancakes in the cool of the kitchen to help me cool down.
After lunch, I read my book in the garden, while TT did a bit more gardening.  Later on, we headed out for a walk.  The sun had disappeared and it was very cloudy, but it was still warm.  We walked further than I had envisaged, and I was feeling very weary by the time we got back home.  I then had to pop out to the supermarket for a proper shop, before coming home to make tea – enchiladas.
Later I collapsed on the sofa, watched an episode of Baby Reindeer, but was so tired I had to go to bed.
We walked through Clerkington this afternoon.  I don’t think this bit of path ever dries out properly.  Here it is back in September. The extra shows some flowers which were growing in a field we walked through.  I am not sure what they are.

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