
By Teasel

River Tyne

It was another really beautiful morning, and after a rather sleepless night, I was very disorganised in terms of getting ready for work, partly because I haven’t moved into summer work clothes yet.  I quickly dug some things out, which needed ironed – a real nightmare when every second counts in the morning, but eventually got myself out.  At the very last minute I rushed back into the house to pick up a cardigan, just in case.
Just as well I did!  I read my book all the way to Edinburgh and was not aware of the change in the weather.  The haar was in – and it was really thick in Edinburgh.  I was woefully underdressed, as it was not warm.  I was grateful that the heating in the office was still on, albeit very low, but I am sure it was enough to just take the chill off.  A huge contrast in the weather between home and work.
I didn’t leave the office all day, and the window near where I sit is obscured by scaffolding at the moment, so I didn’t really have a feel for the weather outside.  When I left this evening it was definitely brighter, but there was still a chill in the air.  When I got off the bus at home, it was much brighter and much warmer.  BB reported that it had been a lovely day, not that he saw much this morning, as he had his maths exams today.  He said they were really hard.
We had a quiet evening, and as ever I popped out for a walk –and as it was such a lovely evening, I went all the way down to the river.  It was very calm and peaceful down by the river.

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